
i want to learn how to force a draw with moves

When you are left only with a king and no way to win against time, what is the best way to force a stalemate?

This is an example. White has no way to win.


Stalemate is not forceable in all positions, the other player has to make an error with squares the pieces control. Effectively if you only have the king left you have to walk into a mating net where the other player can not give check on their turn so that you cannot move on your turn. It is good practice for visualising safe squares and piece control.




when left only with a king you are no longer the one deciding the fate of the game. Either a) your opponent can't win either because there's not enough material left on the board, b) your opponent blunders away a winning advantage into a draw either through stalemate, 50 move rule, timeout vs insufficient material, or insufficient material, or c) your opponent wins.

When you are left with only a king, stay in front of their pawns