If you in the analysesboard click on the right tab named 'tablebase' you will be demonstrated the win. My guess is that White will 'simply' mate Black with the King and Queen.
how to win this queen v bishop and pawn
By the way I understand your frustation. I experienced somthing similar when studying Rook-endgames, where some variations just ended in the winning position: Queen (promoted pawn) against Rook + Pawn, wich is actually dead hard to win at my level.
I didn't know about tablebase
Thank you
I think the strategy is: white puts his king on b1 then tries to fork king and bishop
This is the correct solution to a puzzle
White gets a queen versus bishop and pawn, but then what? How does white win this?
If white captures the bishop black gets a queen next turn.
if white moves his queen to b1 or c2 then brings his king to join the attack black can retreat on the long diagonal and still protect the pawn
The analysis board says white's queen check check checks the king but I don't see how that goes anywhere