Could someone kindly help to give some learning and/or directions to any material to help me understand how to play bishop-knight vs bishop (opposite colour) end game please.
I was practicing one with computer today but couldn't figure out how to do it.
White (Me) has black bishop and a knight vs white bishop for the black (Computer) player. No other material on the board.
Sorry if this is repetitive, but new for me. Google showed only one knight vs bishop materials and videos.
Hi All,
Could someone kindly help to give some learning and/or directions to any material to help me understand how to play bishop-knight vs bishop (opposite colour) end game please.
I was practicing one with computer today but couldn't figure out how to do it.
White (Me) has black bishop and a knight vs white bishop for the black (Computer) player. No other material on the board.
Sorry if this is repetitive, but new for me. Google showed only one knight vs bishop materials and videos.
Thanks much in advance.