Nah I love that one, I don't care if these don't directly end in mate, but just an obviously winning position instead. I'm surprised there are actually so many examples of bishop promotions. The last bishop promotion example can be summarized as this:
To avoid stalemate but simultaneously defend be4 mate at the same time. And the white pawn has to promote because otherwise ra1+ defelcting the rook off the 4th rank and the be4 and black wins. The additional underpromotions in the original example make it even better.
Another one. But it is even more difficult, there are 6 pages of analysis.
It's impressive what people analyzed back then, without engines.
Very good one and very difficult but it sort of "goes out with a whimper rather than a bang". I have a feeling the composer wanted more of this composition but couldn't get there. But he did get the already awesome task of AUW!