
Best UnderPromotion Endgame Compilation


Not sure if this is a repost, but I found this today:

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

Another amazing underpromotion to each of the 3 pieces puzzle. However, there might be a conflicting line where stockfish can hold a draw, I'm not sure exactly what moves it occurs at though.

This is one of the greatest endgame studies ever.

It is bit-perfect, you have just copied it wrongly (there is an extra white pawn at c4).

Mazetoskylo wrote:
EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

Another amazing underpromotion to each of the 3 pieces puzzle. However, there might be a conflicting line where stockfish can hold a draw, I'm not sure exactly what moves it occurs at though.

This is one of the greatest endgame studies ever.

It is bit-perfect, you have just copied it wrongly (there is an extra white pawn at c4).

Yes I noted that earlier on and reposted the one with the pawn on c4. That supposedly corrects stockfish's subtle drawing line which I don't even know what that is lol.

GM_of_Australia wrote:

Not sure if this is a repost, but I found this today:

That's my first bishop promotion example on this thread.


Ohhh my bad.


Here is an interesting white to play and win study by Harold Lommer with several underpromotions made in 1935:


I was going to post that one myself but is the last rook promotion necessary?

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

I was going to post that one myself but is the last rook promotion necessary?

The last underpromotion is necessary, otherwise a stalemate occurs.


So 6 rook promotions, hmm, hard to decide where to place this one in my top ten...


Well my friend, I had to bump your thread again with yet another underpromotion:


Here's another one, White to move and mate in 10:




Endgame s are very hard

Dgb has been in a d mood for a few weeks
Xhosa has a very nice and very nsu look 👀 so cute I
drdos7 wrote:

Here's another one, White to move and mate in 10:

I feel like you left out a move in this one. Like the first move was supposed to be a promotion to a knight and one of blacks pawns could still move at that point, right?

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:
drdos7 wrote:

Here's another one, White to move and mate in 10:

I feel like you left out a move in this one. Like the first move was supposed to be a promotion to a knight and one of blacks pawns could still move at that point, right?

I'm assuming you are referring to #418? If that is the case then there are no moves left out as there are no promotions on the first move since there are no White pawns on the 7th rank to promote.


But it looks like you could retract the puzzle 1 move and make it so white has to promote to a knight to avoid stalemate after blacks last pawn move or something. Making it a double underpromotion!

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

But it looks like you could retract the puzzle 1 move and make it so white has to promote to a knight to avoid stalemate after blacks last pawn move or something. Making it a double underpromotion!

Feel free to modify it as you would like.

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

But it looks like you could retract the puzzle 1 move and make it so white has to promote to a knight to avoid stalemate after blacks last pawn move or something. Making it a double underpromotion!

If I did that then Queening the pawn the pawn would win also. I thought you wanted it where underpromotion is the ONLY way to win as you made quite clear to me earlier in the thread.