
Analysis needed: is this a draw?


Question: Is this a drawn position? The diagram shows the actual moves of the game.


I'm not an endgame specialist by any means...but to me in this position it looks like your bishop is not as powerful as his knight.  That being the idea of why I would play Bishop Takes Knight.

Then you have won the pawn back in the center and your king is closer the white pieces than your opponent...but I don't know if this means draw or not?  I just think BxN is the best move.

41. hxg5 would have been a blunder?  Why?  I thought hxg5 was the best move, as it keeps whites king from e5 square! 

That is the move that killed black as it let you inside.  White can play for a win after 41. (?) because of the intrusion to the e5 square. IN MY OPINION.

tonydal wrote:

I think 44 Kc5 would win. If 44... Ke5 your a-pawn will queen and stop his h-pawn from doing so. And if 44... Kg6 he is a tempo down on the line you give (plus his king will be in check [on f3] to your queening a-pawn).

Not sure by the way that I believe 42... hg would've been a blunder. Actually it might've saved the game for him, since his f-pawn would now be able to queen unimpeded by your a-pawn.

 Your 44. Kc5 seems about right. Missed it, thanks!

The problem with 42. ... hxg5 is that the pawn that is closest to the kings is now unprotected. Here's a plausible variation:

In this case, the win is like what you suggested on the 42. ... fxg5 line, but generally it is better to have the pawn that is closest to the kings be the protected one.


Yes white wins of course when you don't pick the best moves for black (lol).

Ke6 is nessasary as it gains a tempo. Kg6 loses.


Interesting, and I am always amazed at how little I really know of these simple endgame positions.  Note in Immortal's sequence, that white queen's first, but black queens with check.  No big deal, as I don't see the check leading to a win, but white does have to be careful where he moves. the a file or c6 being suicidal.


I think that by move 43 once it was established that your king was alot less moves away from his pawns then his king was from your pawns it was an obvious winning position... the position was pefectly symmetrical and balanced except that your king was on his side of the board.. how is that not a win?

immortalgamer wrote:

Yes white wins of course when you don't pick the best moves for black (lol).

Ke6 is nessasary as it gains a tempo. Kg6 loses.


 I'd thought Ke6 was met by Ke4, but that draws as well. Thanks!


Another possible draw.

Escapest_Pawn wrote:

Another possible draw.


Nope. 6. Ka5! wins.


so it looks like fxg5 is the way to draw, provided black answers Kxd4 with Ke6


n00b question, but I'm not seeing the win after Kc5.  Can't black also queen on g1?  Sure the king needs an extra move to get of the way but that's made up for by the fact that the pawn is one rank advanced?


nope hxg5 ....we already refuted fxg5 as a blunder in the game


Both sides will queen...and most likely with proper play a three move repetition type draw.


Yea, direwolfe seems to be right. With that insight, is it safe to say that fxg5 is not a blunder?


More generally, 41. Bxg5 leads to a draw, and I don't think 41. f4 gives any hope whatsoever. Draw then?


My vote: DRAW


Unless I've missed something with 44. Kc5 that line looks drawn.

42. f4 looks dead drawn as far as I can tell.

phmilet wrote:
Escapest_Pawn wrote:

Another possible draw.


Nope. 6. Ka5! wins.

 Quite correct. Must be spacey today.



phmilet wrote:
immortalgamer wrote:

Yes white wins of course when you don't pick the best moves for black (lol).

Ke6 is nessasary as it gains a tempo. Kg6 loses.


 I'd thought Ke6 was met by Ke4, but that draws as well. Thanks!

 Not quite. Ke4 is met by f5+ where after gxf5+, Kf6 White is in zugzwang and black wins the f5 pawn. After that white has to stay on the kingside because it will be faster for black to pick up the one remaining pawn than it would be for white to pick off blacks connected pawns on the queenside.

Escapest_Pawn wrote:

Another possible draw.

 Nop. Black wins. Queen checkmate.