
Why does has a bright future? One word: India, the most populated country in the world


and a huge lover of chess. Since Anand was world champion and @India after all invented the original chess board. With the rice grain doubling every square story... Who knows the real story?

China has more people, but India is far more represented in chess. I wonder if it has the 2d most players on the site, behind the US?
calbitt5750 a écrit :
China has more people, but India is far more represented in chess. I wonder if it has the 2d most players on the site, behind the US?

Dear @calbitt5750, Sir, actually India became the most populated country on earth last year and yes Indian friends love chess for good reasons...

I may stand corrected. “AI Overview” on Google for “most populous countries “ has China a few million more than India as of July 1, 2024, but you may have better info. I had no idea it was so close. Anyway, you’re right, India is an enormous market and it should grow. I’ve enjoyed playing quite a few Indians

Sir, Wikipedia and the UN are clear and It was made official, India is the most populous country on earth, and has a bright future thanks to smart Indians who love Chess

Do people think this a good thing that India is so overpopulated?

Overpopulation is relative. I've gone to India. It's not that crowded. Overpopulation just means theres more strain on the environment, which reduces with an increase of technology.

I wonder how many from India are already here. It has to be in the millions, but if it reached the proportion of population as in the U.S. it would be HUGE.
calbitt5750 wrote:
I wonder how many from India are already here. It has to be in the millions, but if it reached the proportion of population as in the U.S. it would be HUGE.

I wouldn't say that many. India's people are starting to get richer and overall more wealthy. Chess takes a certain level of prosperity in a country(infrastructure +tech), and more and more of India is starting to have this money.


Is internet in India bad? I often ran into opponents who just ran out the clock in hopeless situation, instead of resign or continue on. I chalked it off as "maybe their internet was bad", instead of "he was disrespectful for wasting my time" and moved on, not reporting. But if it was the case, perhaps let the word out that it reflects badly on their proud country.


I just checked the list of countries on population, and the results showed India and America are currently about even, but I’d give America because of people from many different countries and immigrants. Wonder does it shows the same results on Google for every country or different. Thanks

A lot of people hate playing with Indians, but IDK why
I’m Indian
ashvasan ha scritto:
A lot of people hate playing with Indians, but IDK why
I’m Indian

Maybe because indians are the ones that cheat the most in this site? Or maybe because indians are the rudest players? Every time I play against an Indian I have to hope that they are not cheaters and even if they aren't they will be stalling once they start losing. I don't know dude take a guess

Koh-i-noor wrote:

Overpopulation is relative. I've gone to India. It's not that crowded. Overpopulation just means theres more strain on the environment, which reduces with an increase of technology.

But India and China are the 2 countries that are poluting the environment the most in the world and they don't seem to care at all about the effects they are having on future generations

zigzog wrote:

Is internet in India bad? I often ran into opponents who just ran out the clock in hopeless situation, instead of resign or continue on. I chalked it off as "maybe their internet was bad", instead of "he was disrespectful for wasting my time" and moved on, not reporting. But if it was the case, perhaps let the word out that it reflects badly on their proud country.

as someone goes to India almost every summer to see my grandparents, I can say it is really laggy. In the lockdown, I played a kahoot from school (US) from India, and even though I was the only one who got 12/12, I only got 730 ish points per question, giving me only 3rd place. Also in India, poer outages are really popular

nov04-inactive wrote:
zigzog wrote:

Is internet in India bad? I often ran into opponents who just ran out the clock in hopeless situation, instead of resign or continue on. I chalked it off as "maybe their internet was bad", instead of "he was disrespectful for wasting my time" and moved on, not reporting. But if it was the case, perhaps let the word out that it reflects badly on their proud country.

as someone goes to India almost every summer to see my grandparents, I can say it is really laggy. In the lockdown, I played a kahoot from school (US) from India, and even though I was the only one who got 12/12, I only got 730 ish points per question, giving me only 3rd place. Also in India, poer outages are really popular

I think the power outages are "common" not "popular". wink

misterH98 wrote:

Maybe because indians are the ones that cheat the most in this site? Or maybe because indians are the rudest players? Every time I play against an Indian I have to hope that they are not cheaters and even if they aren't they will be stalling once they start losing. I don't know dude take a guess

Yeah but tell us how you really feel. And don't hold back this time.

DrSpudnik wrote:
nov04-inactive wrote:

... Also in India, poer outages are really popular

I think the power outages are "common" not "popular".

It's all about poer for the W

zigzog wrote:

Is internet in India bad? I often ran into opponents who just ran out the clock in hopeless situation, instead of resign or continue on. I chalked it off as "maybe their internet was bad", instead of "he was disrespectful for wasting my time" and moved on, not reporting. But if it was the case, perhaps let the word out that it reflects badly on their proud country.

Most non-professional indians have very bad sportsmanship.


I find Indian players are very nice and fair play. It would be nice for to communicate on the numbers of players by country, wouldn't it?