The site will mute members that are abusive in chat/notes, but will generally warn first. If the problem persists or is particularly bad, the will ban. However, they have to verify the behavior and see if the reported member is normally like that, and that can take some time; they don't ban for minor offenses or off one report.
why not 3 strikes your out for any sort of insult? People would learn pretty quick and it would make the site so much better for users.
Account closures are usually a last resort. A permanent mute is more likely with the exception of cases of more extreme abuse and those normally don't get any warnings or escalations.
well why not make them a first resort for any sort of insults? Just make it clear when someone creates a new account that the behavior will not be tolerated and that they only get 2 warnings before their account is deleted. It would make the site a lot better for users. Why is so lenient of abuse? Do you think that 2 warnings is not enough?
I agree with AdhvaithAjay. Ignoring the chat works for me, but for others it won't-especially with insane threats. Personally I think there should be a report system.
There is, its just not good enough