
Why are rooms never used till end game?

  • why are rooms never used?


If I lol


Whats’ a room in chess


Because the Rooms are On Fire.

That_Dude_that_cranks wrote:

Whats’ a room in chess

assume they meant rook


Because most players aren't very good, and they don't recognize the importance of getting the rooks into the game. One of the signs of a really strong player is that they no the imortance of getting their rooks --both rooks!--active. A sign of a weaker player is that at the end of the game, at least one of their rooks is doing nothing


only rookies (pun intended) do that. activating the rook after castling is highly beneficial in a game. however, it all depends on the position.


Yes rooks are pretty strong pieces that can control an entire file and a rank but only if their way is open,in the opening,they are obstructed by other pieces so they stay inactive thru the opening and early mid game,rooks are strongest in endgames where lines are open for the rook to control and infiltrate.
The bishops don't suffer from the same problem as the pawns move forward and capture diagonally,meaning you can open a line for bishop by moving a pawn while you can only open a line for a rook by capturing with a pawn.


Gary Kasparov, one of the greatest attacking players in history, said that he never started the attack until he had brought his queen rook into the game, He was probably exaggerating a little, but it highlights the importance of getting your most powerful pieces into the game

Laskersnephew wrote:

Gary Kasparov, one of the greatest attacking players in history, said that he never started the attack until he had brought his queen rook into the game, He was probably exaggerating a little, but it highlights the importance of getting your most powerful pieces into the game

Queen rook? you mean queen and rook or the queenside rook (i think u mean the queen and the rook but ill ask anyways)
And well,rooks are just a huge hassle to activate,as they require an open file.So attacking with a minor piece or 2 accompanying the queen will also do if the rook can't get in on the action.


The guy just throws in some clickbait nonsense about "rooms" and then goes away forever. And the whole community are happy to comment on whatever they think this means.

Very bizarre.


"Queen rook? you mean queen and rook or the queenside rook"

I meant the rook on a1 or a8. That is usually the last piece to be developed. In the games of club players, that piece is very often still at home when the game ends




Magipi is correct