
What is your opinion on rematches?


Personally, I'm finding it difficult to want to keep playing against human opponents. Chess is a 2 player game involving black AND white pieces, but I'm consistently running into players who only want to play half the game. Its exhausting. It makes rated games nearly meaningless, and gives me no incentive not to make my opponent wait the full remaining time on the clock if I'm in a guaranteed losing position, and I have no assurance of a rematch. So what if I get banned? Accounts are free. I'd rather get an eye for an eye against these poor sports who are tarnishing the game than get nothing at all.


I'm having difficultys understanding what exactly your problem is? In irl tournaments you also don't play the same opponent more than once. No one owes you a rematch, if they don't feel like playing against you again. Also why would you have an incentive to let the time run out instead of resigning? You are just waisting your own and your opponents time

VictoriaPars wrote:

I'm having difficultys understanding what exactly your problem is? In irl tournaments you also don't play the same opponent more than once. No one owes you a rematch, if they don't feel like playing against you again. Also why would you have an incentive to let the time run out instead of resigning? You are just waisting your own and your opponents time

I take it you're speaking as someone who has never been in a tournament before.

1. Its a different mindset, expectation, goal, and intent in tournaments.

2. Not all tournaments are single elimination. In fact, the majority of them are not single elimination. Most tournaments are Swiss-system, meaning even if you lose, you can still earn enough points that you might face the person who beat you again within the same tournament.

3. Tournament players are rarely the one and done type. The chance of playing the same person again is also greatly increased because the player pool is significantly reduced. Statistically, your odds of playing someone as both white and black in a tournament will balance out to 50/50 over time assuming you both remain at a similar level of skill.

And I disagree, my time is not wasted. My time is being used elsewhere, but my opponent doesn't know that. They remain fixed to the screen, waiting for a move that will never come. So the question remains: Why shouldn't I?


Sometimes you are not playing your best in the first match so you can do your best in the next one (rematch). But sometimes I keep losing in rematches. I think in the rematch we must keep our mindset to win not to beat the other player.


I rarely ask for a rematch, but I accept probably about 80% of rematch requests. However, I don't accept if:

1) My opponent trash talked in chat.
2) My opponent already beat me twice and keeps asking for rematches.
3) I simply don't have time for another match.


Nobody owes you a rematch.


Here my opinion on rematches:

1) In real life, which should be always the ground reference, one barely ever get a rematch, other than meeting again the same opponent in a different competition. That sure challenges the idea a rematch SHOULD happen.

2) But in the world of ideas, it's a different matter. It is true that one stands better chances playing as White than playing as Black. Why would it not be so, that every single game would forcefully lead to a rematch?

Well, some whys can be guessed, like the chronicle problem of the lack of time for many players, as they would have to play two 5mn Blitz instead of a one 10mn game, which does narrow the choices one should have. Then, how an unknown rate of players forfeiting the rematch for various reasons (like ragequit) would set a bias to everybody's ratings... This all is uncharted territory, and where my opinion goes more on the side of "I don't know" than anything else.

smallpawninabigworld wrote:

I rarely ask for a rematch, but I accept probably about 80% of rematch requests. However, I don't accept if:

1) My opponent trash talked in chat.
2) My opponent already beat me twice and keeps asking for rematches.
3) I simply don't have time for another match.

Totally reasonable. Disrespect begets no respect, and if you've played at least a match as both white and black, you've given your opponent a fair chance. And time constraints is understandable, but not at rates significantly over 60%. I wish more people would have learned from their father what it means to be honorable like you have.


I'll accept a rematch if I win convincingly, but otherwise I'm not really interested.


With a field of thousands of players, rematch is unnecessary.


If I don’t know you in real life, forget about a rematch.

j4ck4l5 wrote:

"...2. Not all tournaments are single elimination. In fact, the majority of them are not single elimination. Most tournaments are Swiss-system, meaning even if you lose, you can still earn enough points that you might face the person who beat you again within the same tournament..."

I've never been paired with the same opponent twice in a tournament. I think that the following USCF rule provides the reason:

27A1. Avoid players meeting twice (highest priority). A player may not play the same opponent more than once in a tournament. Even this most basic of all pairing rules
must be violated when the number of rounds is greater than or equal to the number of players. If it is necessary for players to play each other twice, then top priority should subsequently be given to having them face each other no more than twice. If two players were paired against each other earlier in the tournament, but the game was forfeited due to the nonappearance of one, they may be paired against each other again.

MUAHAHAHA! You think I’m going to play you again? After you lost so pathetically? You don’t deserve a rematch. I’m a King and you’re just a measly pawn. RESIGN NOW OR LOSE

In Daily games, if I find my opponent to be Active, made many moves per day, I offer rematch. In Live games I rarely offer or accept rematch.

tygxc wrote:

Nobody owes you a rematch.

Nobody said they do. But there is an obvious problem with that line of thinking when you extend it to other things.

There are plenty of things you don't have to do. That doesn't make it right not to do them.


I'll usually take a re match, time permitting. But not against someone who beat me very easily and just wants to do it again because they can.


By the time someone asks me for a rematch I'm either onto the next game or I'm done playing for now.

j4ck4l5 wrote:
tygxc wrote:

Nobody owes you a rematch.

Nobody said they do. But there is an obvious problem with that line of thinking when you extend it to other things.

There are plenty of things you don't have to do. That doesn't make it right not to do them.

The point is that lots of threads like this one are populated with users who assume rematches should be normal and that those who neither offer nor accept them must be deviant in some way. The reverse is true. Those who expect rematches have something wrong with them.

j4ck4l5 wrote:
VictoriaPars wrote:

I'm having difficultys understanding what exactly your problem is? In irl tournaments you also don't play the same opponent more than once. No one owes you a rematch, if they don't feel like playing against you again. Also why would you have an incentive to let the time run out instead of resigning? You are just waisting your own and your opponents time

I take it you're speaking as someone who has never been in a tournament before.

1. Its a different mindset, expectation, goal, and intent in tournaments.

2. Not all tournaments are single elimination. In fact, the majority of them are not single elimination. Most tournaments are Swiss-system, meaning even if you lose, you can still earn enough points that you might face the person who beat you again within the same tournament.

3. Tournament players are rarely the one and done type. The chance of playing the same person again is also greatly increased because the player pool is significantly reduced. Statistically, your odds of playing someone as both white and black in a tournament will balance out to 50/50 over time assuming you both remain at a similar level of skill.

And I disagree, my time is not wasted. My time is being used elsewhere, but my opponent doesn't know that. They remain fixed to the screen, waiting for a move that will never come. So the question remains: Why shouldn't I?

50/50? If you play a 10-person tournament maybe. But if you play an actual USCF or FIDE rated event with at least 20 people, you aren't going to play the same people again unless the event specifically states that you can and will. For a larger tournament with 50+ people there's absolutely no way you get paired up again with the same opponent. Clearly you haven't been to a decently sized otb tournament before.

Why shouldn't you? Because its extremely toxic and disrespectful to your opponent to let them wait there because you are losing. If you don't want to lose games, don't play chess. As for rematches, you can decline or accept them as you please. Nobody but you is forcing yourself to play the same opponent again. Also, I should note that at higher levels the rating pool, especially for rapid declines to a pretty small level. If I were to ask for a 30 minute rapid game at this moment, it could take longer than 5 minutes to be paired.

Ziryab wrote:
j4ck4l5 wrote:

Nobody said they do. But there is an obvious problem with that line of thinking when you extend it to other things.

There are plenty of things you don't have to do. That doesn't make it right not to do them.

The point is that lots of threads like this one are populated with users who assume rematches should be normal and that those who neither offer nor accept them must be deviant in some way. The reverse is true. Those who expect rematches have something wrong with them.
