
Time outs not affecting score


How is it that if someone times out after only few moves no rating adjustment is given?  What is the move cut off for no rating adjustment.  I have had a few time outs that made no rating adjustment.  Shouldn't the person who has abided by the rules set and aggreed to by both parties get points since they didn't breech the time rule?

Do you mean if someone doesn't move before time his or her time runs out, ranting are not adjusted?
N1MZ0 wrote: Do you mean if someone doesn't move before time his or her time runs out, ranting are not adjusted?

Sorry I meant rating.. not ranting (started spelling ranking)

Yes, two time outs in particular you can pull up and look at my games... me vs ard13nyy and me vs mahlon.  Niether time out netted me any points due to lack of total moves.

Is there a threshold of moves that will change rating?

I'm in a game where my opponent is toast on his next move, but he has since not moved since facing checkmate on his next move. We were making moves every couple of minutes, then he stopped moving?!? Is he trying to wait me out or will the rating system not be utilized after he times out??  see my active games opponent is Gettmann.

Yes - a game needs to be 3 moves long (from both sides) to affect the rating. The logic is that the RATING is a representation of how well you play chess, not how fortunate or unfortunate you are that your opponent forgot about their game.

Thank you Erik - I appreciate knowing that... is there a place I can read about rating adjustments for more info on the subject?
