
Tactics Training


The Tactics Application is very nice (Look for it under the "LEARN tab"). The problem is very tough. Give it a try.



I'm not sure I like all the levels. I don't mind paying a price but all this level stuff is a bit much for a low return.

I have been told that the server is still in Learning Mode. The levels for the lessons will probably be more reasonable when more players have tried the puzzles.


Also, more easy lessons will be added

hahahaha, you guys are hilarious. Yeah, unfortunately all tactics problems were defaulted to 1200, when in all reality, most of them are probably more like 2000. :) Most of them crush me as well (and I'm rated 2000 here on the site). Try to really take your time. Hey, at least we allow you to "try again" or show the solution! :)  As more and more people do the tactics, they will get more accurate ratings, and the way the tactics are presented to you are by rating, so if you continually get crushed, your rating will fall, and you'll be given much simpler tactics to try out. It'll take a few weeks before everything falls into place, be patient.
Ah, A remedy for broken self confidence seems to be in place! The Grumpy Goodfather is now between Jobs!