
Quitting chess.


I have kept losing in chess, and now whenever I think of the game it makes me stressed and upset. I haven't seen any improvement, and I keep losing in stupid ways.


you lost to me once

my dear brother, if you keep getting this mad, just quit

chess might just not be for you

Wimpydog44 wrote:

I have kept losing in chess, and now whenever I think of the game it makes me stressed and upset. I haven't seen any improvement, and I keep losing in stupid ways.

Wimpydog, im saying that we all started as beginners. Id say take a break, do some other stuff, and come back. You can also simply keep chess as hobby! Also, how exactly are you training?


Blitz and bullet can be brutal. Try rapid or classical games where you have more time to think.

Wimpydog44 wrote:

I have kept losing in chess, and now whenever I think of the game it makes me stressed and upset. I haven't seen any improvement, and I keep losing in stupid ways.

It's ok if you don't like chess, but your reasons for quitting are a window into how you tackle problems in life. If you give up this easily, expect to be battered in reality. By sticking with it and learning to play with even a slight improvement, this will better your skills when you get older and face real problems in life. Chess will teach you how to attack your problems, face victories and learn how to fail. Failing is just as important as succeeding. You don't have to become a chess guru and spend your all your days learning the game, but learn to fight without giving up and you will thank yourself for years to come when you apply your newfound skills on life's problems. Or, crawl back under that rock where you are safe and sound, hiding from life's problems.

Wimpydog44 wrote:

I have kept losing in chess, and now whenever I think of the game it makes me stressed and upset. I haven't seen any improvement, and I keep losing in stupid ways.

Quitting won't be a solution. I was like you once and never improved, but I didn't quit and kept going. Right now I still have problems such as yours, but I don't quit. You lose 100% of the games you don't play. You'll never improve if you just give up.

Whether to quit or not is up to you, but quitting isn't going to help you achieve your full potential.


Look at my profile and you will see I have barely won any of my games, and it is because I simply quit or rarely play chess. I used to lose every single game I played, and it hurt me and I was depressed. I quit, but I noticed how quitting chess changed my life and my way of thinking, so I came back and learned from my mistakes.


Chess, for 99% of its playerbase, is a hobby before everything else. Take some time away from the game, de-stress, and come back to it when you feel fresh. Never just give up on something because you're doing poorly; see this and everything else as a growing opportunity.

Wimpydog44 wrote:

I have kept losing in chess, and now whenever I think of the game it makes me stressed and upset. I haven't seen any improvement, and I keep losing in stupid ways.

I agree with what ericci is telling you. Now, rmember that no matter how good you become in chess, you'l always have people better than you, or the meaning, in a higher level. It's like any sport. And there are always people who has a nature, like in any science. Go to math, you'll see people better than you, physic, chemistry, etc. But you can, by effort and practice, improve. Use it like a hobby, and have a good time, win or lose, after all, it's just a game. There are some professionals, stars, superstars, standard, good, regular, mediocre, bad, worst, but they all play. I'm in the lower of the list and sometimes I beat good players. Good luck!


if any one should quit chess it should be me -- just see my posts in the forums and the comments others have to say about me --almost 2 years now and still at 100 once in while like this afternoon got to 143 but tonight lost it all and now back at bottom -- i still play because i know someday i will get out of the bottom hopefully before i move on - and besides there are very few things in life that you can do for free lose and keep losing and still think you have a chance -- maybe the lottery/gambling but then it costs you money and there is a cost to pay in addictive vice effects -- here at least you have others who like you don't get better but have each other to talk about it to each other with even sometimes helpful advice -no other pastime does that - so just keep going i will try to also


Chess takes time, patience and maybe if this is too much for you, then quit chess, it's not your hobbie. Ppl need to enjoy what they do or they'll not succeed