Potential new 'conditional move' features
That is an excellent suggestion -- many times, my moves won't always be based on what they do -- it's more like a "regardless of their move, do this" - great idea!
i had a game with Phobetor about a month ago where i put up a string of 11 moves for both sides that i couldn't defend with some tricky tactics that could have been missed. he rode the string all the way out... and queened. resign would have been a funny option to terminate the string. at least i felt like i played the right moves for at least one of us .
Hi I have been very impressed with the recent 'conditional move' function that has been introduced, and was simply wondering if it would be possible to introduce the 'resign' or 'offer draw' functions as in normal chess.
On one or two occasions I've thought it would be useful to have an "if nxf7+ (for example) then resign game" feature available - Although I know 'hope chess' is not encouraged!