
please vote do you like gukesh or ding?



I would say………… Gukesh!
I was rooting for ding

Both! Yet I favored Gukesh because I like the openings he plays

I consider Classical time controls the real testament to the sport of Chess. Match play is different than Tournament play. The top 10 players in the world, there is less than 100 rating point difference, and anyone is capable of beating the other.

Many world champions in the past were not the highest rated player of their day... Yet they could not be beat in match play, hence why they were seen as the World Champion. Carlsen's rating can be whatever.... till he steps up and takes back the crown IMO Gukesh is the true World Champion! (like I said match play is different than tournament play... if the rules of the match are legit, in match play , each comes to grips with each other's playing strengths and weakness, example openings get scrapped cause the resulting positions the opponent is able play better etc.