
Personal Conundrums!

How can I feel comfortable playing rated, if I don’t want to lose points? does anyone have any suggestions for excepting defeat?
I just want to be comfortable playing rated. That’s why I’m asking.
Well, there is always unrated games. Also, has this feature where you can hide your opponent’s rating during the game. However, that doesn’t work on mobile. If it works on the web, you might benefit. It is amazing how much better some people do when they aren’t focused on rating. Just focus everything on the game!

I think people often feel stress when they first start playing rated games against other live humans. This is normal. It kind of goes away after you've played enough games, as you gain experience. But even after years of playing, you'll notice that sometimes your heartrate goes crazy or your hands tremble. Maybe in time-trouble scrambles or tense, touch-and-go positions. The feelings can be much more intense in over-the-board rated games. All part of the fun of chess! happy.png