Open seeks quickly aborted?
Perhaps the person decided against playing. A number of reasons could be valid.
Probably not very helpful calling them out on the forum either. There's enough members here willing to play that you don't need to do so,
If you have a seek and someone places a seek you may be auto-paired. Maybe they didn't like your rating, your game history, or the time controls.
I was autopaired against someone who had "Americans are stupid" in their profile, I came close to aborting, but I thought I'd teach him a lesson (I lost though).
On another site that I play on, yesterday I put 10 open seeks in at once and one person accepted all of them. I thought that was somewhat rude, so i aborted all of two of them.
In the last couple of weeks, I posted some open seeks. Three games were started, then almost immediately aborted by the person accepting the open seek. No reason was given. Does this happen to anyone else? I find this very annoying. So my question to members: richycharles, steeve, & murrayryane, why did you accept my open seek then abort the game almost immediately?