On Batgirl's personal home page http://sbchess.sinfree.net/archives.html she talks about the bi-polar aspects of chess and chess players. She has observed that while some of us may be a little reserved (I'm euphemising) others are equally outgoing.
It reminded me of this verse (author unknown) I found some years ago. It's called Manic Depressive:
SOMETIMES I'M HAPPY sometimes i'm sad SoMeTiMeS i'M HsAaPdPY.
So what's all this got to do with chess.com? Just this! Anytime I log on and my monitor smirks at me and says, "You have no friends on line", I feel depressed.
At least, I'm spared the ultimate put down that would come from, "You have no on line friends!"
On Batgirl's personal home page http://sbchess.sinfree.net/archives.html she talks about the bi-polar aspects of chess and chess players. She has observed that while some of us may be a little reserved (I'm euphemising) others are equally outgoing.
It reminded me of this verse (author unknown) I found some years ago. It's called Manic Depressive:
sometimes i'm sad
SoMeTiMeS i'M HsAaPdPY.
So what's all this got to do with chess.com? Just this! Anytime I log on and my monitor smirks at me and says, "You have no friends on line", I feel depressed.
At least, I'm spared the ultimate put down that would come from, "You have no on line friends!"