
is it me or players are getting stronger?

is it just me or the players in this community are getting stronger and stronger? I'm nowhere near a good player (never studied anything and just playing for fun) but recently i've struggled with 1000 elo players.. last time it happened was years ago, when I started playing.

[Removed - DB]


Someone can have a lot of experience with a lower ranking.


@terminator-T800: i find your answer really unappropriate and disturbing. I'll report it to the admins


They smell stronger.


Are the 1000-rated players you struggle against new to the site?  Some of them may have reached 1500 or more in OTB tournaments or on another web site, and right now they're at 1000 on because they started off with a few losses and haven't yet played enough games against strong opponents to bring their rating up to an accurate level.

matteovasile wrote:

@terminator-T800: i find your answer really unappropriate and disturbing. I'll report it to the admins

Maybe that's what your opponents did. Reported to admins, who in turn provided them with a cure for their Alzheimers.

matteovasile wrote:

@terminator-T800: i find your answer really unappropriate and disturbing. I'll report it to the admins

BETA!  Why would you want to be a snitch you snowflake? You can report me too!

matteovasile wrote:

@terminator-T800: i find your answer really unappropriate and disturbing. I'll report it to the admins

Why don't you man up and grow a pair? Report me if you want to. I don’t give a damn!

Players aren’t getting stronger

Idk pal, this shows otherwise. 


Every day chess is receiving more and more theory being developed, engines discovering new openings, tactics, concepts, as well as top players integrating this into play.

All of this makes chess more researched and established, which effects its playerbase, making it stronger. a 1500 rated player in 1970 could crush the top engine of its time. Now a days a 1500 would lose 1000 out of 1000 times to Stockfish 15 or whatever the latest version is.

Or for example Paul Morphy. He's a legend, i'd say hes arguably the best player ever, but a 2000 rated player now could probably beat him regularly. 

this is the same in any sport, board or gaming activity. the competition improves because the concept is being explored more and more.


The pool continues to grow....over 13 million rapid players now. This may explain it.


Have the bots gotten stronger? Used to cruise against 1500 bot but struggling at the moment.

If they have not changed, I have definitely got worst.


Sometimes I think about that too, but I do not know whether that is true or not. 


i just looked one of your games that you lost and it doesn't seem so. I think i was about 950 like 18 months ago and they seem to be playing at pretty much the same level. 

it's probably just you, or tilt. the game i saw you blundered like 3x. and then also didn't see a forced draw


We've been working out.


Despite my Alzheimer, I'm used with Easy blunders Just like when I was young and cool. That Is to Say that time goes on...


Terminator, that actually made me laugh out loud then I laughed even harder when I read his response. Thank you guys for bringing a smile to this face


It could also be that many players are getting weaker.

For example my friend used to have time in covid so he was sharp.. and he's a natural talent never did a puzzle in his life litterally. used to be 1700.. now he's say 1550 being also out of shape... but if the man would do puzzles and play slow games and study a bit he could hit 1900 with ease. his limit is higher.. I'm sure of it... cuz he just has talent.

my point is - some 1600s are actually extremely lazy 1900 strength players that never even tried to reach their peak but have huge potential talent.. and some 1600s (like me) can barely calculate anything but work on openings memory, puzzle routine, read book etc to compensate for having a monkey brain (me) wink

I passed my friend in rating but he still beats me most of the times... hope this answered ur question somehow. 

Respect those 1000s! tongue