
I just changed chatting to “only friends” / Where have the times of fair play gone?

I just changed chatting to “only friends” because some chats really bothered me.

Apart from a lot of very friendly chats, that I will miss in the future, there are two kinds of bothersome chats:

1. Players who win the game, somehow feel superior and have a need to make denegrating remarks.

2. Players who loose the game, and somehow cannot handle their loss.

I used to report each and every one of these chats, and usually promises some “action” invisible to me but I got so fed up with them that I blocked chatting.

Where have the times of fair play gone?

I can understand what you feel. happy.png

Actually one funny incident happened with me, one player I played in a tournament, after defeating me sent me a message in my inbox (because I already have only friends option turned on for in game chatting)

The message said, "you lost to me 😂"

But I was clueless then about such behaviour so I replied, "Congratulations, you play chess very well."

And you know what, that person didn't reply for about 2 min and then he said, "umm thanks. Friends ?"

A little goodness never disappoints happy.png

@MAN270: I can only say, you have reacted very well in that situation.

This must be unique to OP. I've only run across the nicest people here.


I've been on here for awhile and progressed through about 800 elo since I've joined and probably ran into a dozen annoying people chat-wise.
Just ignore them, or better, troll them back.
I once mated this guy with .1 seconds on the clock, in a completely winning position for me, and he said "You are lucky. I should have won that you lousy chess player."
I challenged him to a rematch, he gained a winning position, and trolled me for the rest of the game, only to stalemate me. (This was a 900 btw). 
What goes around comes around, idiots will be idiots, either ignore them and let them learn their lesson or play an Uno reverse. 

@sad-gurl: that might be because you’ve played only 82+5 games so far.
@spped-swimmer-1: I keep telling myself the same thing, but at some point these chats get annoying anyway. Playing chess is supposed to be fun, and the experience you describe would take part of my fun away.