
I don't understand where tilts come from


I was playing fairly decently (for me) for a few days and then BAM! Gone with the wind, lol. Back to playing the bots for a while again I suppose.


Maybe you overworked yourself


Whenever you lose a game, stop playing and analyse it first.


Thanks guys.

JBarryChess wrote:

I was playing fairly decently (for me) for a few days and then BAM! Gone with the wind, lol. Back to playing the bots for a while again I suppose.

Tilts often come to me when I get frustrated after I lost a game to that I was completely winning that I should have converted.

JBarryChess wrote:

I was playing fairly decently (for me) for a few days and then BAM! Gone with the wind, lol. Back to playing the bots for a while again I suppose.

Here is a video where I discuss tilt and how to cure it. My videos are usually only like 10-20 minutes or so, but this one is a little under an hour because there was that much quality information to share! (plus sharing the 7 types of tilt and how to cure each is in-depth)


It seems to be fading. Getting some wins, a few draws and loss now and then. I'm not beating a 1500 bot consistently so it's still afflicting me there a bit.

tygxc wrote:

Whenever you lose a game, stop playing and analyse it first.

I just continue playing chess endlessly tilting over and over again while getting peaks of course

JBarryChess wrote:

It seems to be fading. Getting some wins, a few draws and loss now and then. I'm not beating a 1500 bot consistently so it's still afflicting me there a bit.

Try grinding it out though it may not work for you and you should take a break instead

Btw play some stupid opening like h4 when your tilted that way you won't feel as bad about the loss


I think a break would be a good idea. happy.png


I suspect the covid shots we were all basically forced to get effected our minds, giving us occasional severe brain fog. It's either this or sunspots. Maybe El Nino.

bobby_max wrote:

I suspect the covid shots we were all basically forced to get effected our minds, giving us occasional severe brain fog. It's either this or sunspots. Maybe El Nino.

Trump rushed the COVID 19 vaccine so maybe it was 😉