I had this experience with two games other than chess. As a kid, my family had both a pool and a ping-pong table. I grew up with these and I thought I was pretty good. I could beat all of my friends. I closed many bars in college holding the bar table undefeated. And I won a high school table tennis tournament.
well, when I got to graduate school, I met a guy who played on the Taiwan table tennis team. I couldn’t score a point against him. And I met a professor who lived in the pool halls after class (he gave grad students the number of the pool hall if he wasn’t in his faculty office). He could blitz me in any form of pool. What I thought was pretty good was basically at the novice level for serious competitors. In my chess career, I have seen the same thing many times.
It’s not the beginning of dementia, it’s normal that if you only played with friends (who probably play rarely) and then you join a site which has literally all abilities from World Number 1 downwards, of course you’re forced to redefine what ‘good’ is.
It would be more worrying if you’d joined here and a few months later still thought you’re quite good (no offence intended by that obviously, just a general remark)