
How to Address a Losing Streak?


OK, I recently made a pledge (at 73) to play at least 1 or 2 games of rapid every day, to study tactics daily, to play over the games of the great players, and to actually read the chess books I've bought. The result? A losing streak! Oh, sure, it's "only" 6 losses and 2 draws, but I'd been doing pretty well. And now this!
So what's the answer? Take a break from playing? Suck it up, buttercup? Play more and get deeper in the hole? Admit that I'm an old codger with no hope of improving in the rest of this lifetime? Not having a good couple of days.
Thanks in advance for sympathetic ears and for advice from those of you who've gotten past this.


My suggestion: instead of 1 or 2 rapid game every day do this: One day you play a long classical game (like 1 hour and a half per player), one day you analyze the previous game + study books opening you have played, one day you study middlegame books and finals. Repeat this 2 times per week. Rest on sunday. Focus on quality instead of quantity. There are also a lot of videos of games analyzed by GM or high rated players that are beautiful to watch and also live coverage of important events. Don't be upset, losing is part of the proces. You are simply trying to make what I consider the most difficult step, so find your pace and follow it.

Daily games are your friend. Also, maybe take a break for a minute until your tilt evens out.

I have been doing the same thing with blitz. Playing 1 or 2 game every day. No losing streak so far but my rating went up and I think I'm playing better.

Maybe you can get all the bad moves out of your system if you lose enough games and start winning again. The nature of the thing is that you can't lose every game forever. Your rating would drop until you'd start having long winning streaks. Eventually and whatever you do, you will always win some and lose some.