


I started playing Chess in April 2023 and my rating was 531 after 1 month lol. After that, I study a lot and play/watch chess 12-15 hours a day for the next whole month. Currently, my rating is 850. I just gained around 320+ points in the last 3 weeks.

I actually started Chess because I want to get admission to University, but unfortunately, my marks were not up to the merit and I do not have any other sports through which I could get admission through Sports Quota.

I decided to practice Chess and currently, I am pretty confident that I can do this. My Chess Competition for university is in September so I have 3 months time for my preparation. I have to win 5 consecutive games to win my seat at the university.

What do you guys think should be my target for the next 3 months? Currently, I have set that to 1500 but I've heard it took years to reach 1500. 

Each reply means a lot to me happy.png


Do not just watch videos and play games, but study openings, traps, middle game positions, analyse your games.


In the second part play a tournament every 15 days, play and analyse the mistakes from both the sides.

Urrr play a lot or something

It depends on how much you practice, study and learn. Do you know how long it takes most people to reach 1500 chess rating? Never. sad.png Sadly, most people will never reach 1500. The global average rating is roughly 600 (even though it varies a few hundred points based on rating pool and rating system used) and rating is tougher to gain the higher you get due to the nature of the rating system and opponents playing tougher to give you a smaller margin of error. The good news for you is that 1500 is still reachable; it is just that most people don't have the time and dedication to make it to this level.

Typically most people consider "beginner" concepts (like chess opening principles: ) and basic theoretical endgames (such as King + Queen vs King checkmate or King + Rook vs King checkmate) enough to help the player reach 1000 rating with months of practice. Usually a player is considered more intermediate level once they enter around 1200-1400 rating.

Like I said, most players never reach 1500, but if you are determined enough, it may happen with a few years. Reaching this rating faster is not unheard of, but it is rare. I reached 1500 rating after roughly one year of creating my account, but I also worked much more than most people, on my chess. I'd easily spend 8+ hours a day with chess and somedays I might even have 12 hour chess sessions. Sounds like a lot? It is. I actually play much less now as I've become a bit more mature, but there is no denying that playing a ton and analyzing every game of mine, that I could, was a huge key to my success.

To be fair, I reached 1500+ rating pretty much entirely on my own and I found a local (otb) chess club only after I had crossed 1500 rating. Perhaps if you have help (or better yet a coach if you can afford it), reaching this rating quickly is more likely, but that is still a lot of time I invested and there is no substitute for experience.

I've been on roughly 6 years now and I've learned a ton on this journey, but it all began with taking the first step and continuing one small step at a time wink.png


Good for you but it is better to practice with yourself and someone who stronger than you learn traps openings Enfgames and also do puzzles..


For me it took about 6 month gl in ur chess journey


It depends on many factors. Some go there within a few months, some others don't make it in years, mainly because they want the fun but not the work.


You can make it in a few months...

But u gotta learn a solid opening"know everything about if your opponent played anything against you... you can play comfortably"

For me...I play b3"white"...c6"black"...but u gotta know every line....

Maybe watch some tutorials on YouTube...

To get better at middle puzzles...and watch hikaru/naroditsky playing"or any top player"....this will make u used to pawns structures...and it really helped me...

For endgame...solve endgames puzzles...

And that's it....

GOOD LUCK with your chess journey...and if u need any help...u can message me...


How much you got bubba?