
How do I revert unwanted rating changes?


After losing many times, is there a way I can reject the rating decrease? Or at least lock my ELO range to a particular range, to keep it from falling below a certain point?

I've been stuck at under 500 ELO and I suspect the players have a MUCH better strategy than I am.

Is there a way I can refuse the rating decrease?

Kitteh6660 wrote:

After losing many times, is there a way I can reject the rating decrease? Or at least lock my ELO range to a particular range, to keep it from falling below a certain point?

I've been stuck at under 500 ELO and I suspect the players have a MUCH better strategy than I am.

Is there a way I can refuse the rating decrease?

No. If you play rated games you will lose rating when losing games

Unfortunately the unrated game option is quite hidden so if you try to find a game there it probably will take long, if it works at all. I would recommend just finding what works for you mentally. I was always improving little by little and then having a few bad days where I would lose more than 100 elo in a day. In the end it was just my inability to accept that some days I am just mentally not there, and that's ok. It is normal. So i put some rules for myself like if I lose 3 games in a row I quit for the day, or If i really want to play more I switch to a different account where i just try openings I havent learned properly and don't care about my elo improving, or i switch time control, so my main attempt at improving now is in rapid, if I want to play but know i'm not 100% because of stress or woke up on the wrong foot, I might play some blitz instead. That way I manage to keep my frustration to a minimum and keep my motivation to learn and improve

The whole point of the rating system is to get you matched with people of your skill level