
game review interface change?


Did anyone notice the interface change when reviewing the game? I am getting a screen which looks like this:

Where did the old one go? Did I change the settings by accident? 

saletinho wrote:

Did anyone notice the interface change when reviewing the game? I am getting a screen which looks like this:

Where did the old one go? Did I change the settings by accident?

You didn't change anything by accident. The new version is out to some members now.


It sucks. Now everything feels like it's zoomed in, giving you a worse view of the stats, and if you're not a premium member you can't even click on the " review " tab anymore to see at least the most basic info like the evaluation bar troughout the game. Everything is simply worse than before. At least on computer. Now i have to open the app separatly on my phone to see my game analysis.


Yes, I have the same.. why on earth can't they use someone else instead of me to beta test their idiotic ideas?


yeah crazy to believe but this is real.


Agreed this new format is awful. At least give us the ability to use the old UI during rollouts like this where you've made it considerably worse and I'm sure will take forever to adapt to feedback. What could they possibly have thought they were fixing or improving with this? 0 new information/features available and all of the existing ones are either less visible or much more annoying to use.


We thank you Beta's ....for your service wink.


Can't agree more - new version provides no new functionality and removes some (most notably on blunders where it used to say "Bf4 is a blunder!" and in a lower box "c4 would have been a winning move". Now it just has the "Bf4 is a blunder!" box.

(bonus points if anyone knows what I did there)


I'd agree. The new version is painful. Even the tips are hard to read with certain words highlighted to look like buttons. Having random words different colors makes it very difficult for me to pay attention to whatever it's trying to say, so I basically don't use the game review anymore.

Unrelated, but what's with the terrible animations before and after each game now (showing the league we're each in... how does that matter?)?


It seems that everyone hates it. I hope that rolls it back as that will be a huge improvement from the horrible new game review.


Not for nothing, but when your "blunder" is not taking a pawn in the end of the opening/middle game it sort of negates the reliability of the analysis. It's probably impossible to program, but a blunder has to be viewed in the context of the entire game. That's what needs to be fixed, not the display of the data.


The worst thing is that it shows you the answer of the best move before it tests you, removing the entire point. It also tests you on your opponents moves, it never used to do that, and they also removed the end screen that shows you your adjusted rating after corrections and also gave you a nice comment that illustrated how the game went.
It seems to me that they implemented some new AI that is half-baked

JBarryChess wrote:

Not for nothing, but when your "blunder" is not taking a pawn in the end of the opening/middle game it sort of negates the reliability of the analysis. It's probably impossible to program, but a blunder has to be viewed in the context of the entire game. That's what needs to be fixed, not the display of the data.

A blunder is based on the change in evaluation. It doesn't matter what the later outcome of the game is or if the other side didn't play well later.

TheRealPleyland wrote:

The worst thing is that it shows you the answer of the best move before it tests you, removing the entire point. It also tests you on your opponents moves, it never used to do that, and they also removed the end screen that shows you your adjusted rating after corrections and also gave you a nice comment that illustrated how the game went.
It seems to me that they implemented some new AI that is half-baked

You can disable the Show Best Move option in the settings


There is one positive change for me, using a tablet: The "buttons" to push to show next/previous move in the game review. Finally they're big enough for my (rather slim) fingers to push! Yay! 👍

For the rest: Annoying and disturbing.


Please please please bring back the old version. Please. Please.


The reply I got from the support after complaining about the new Review UI:


I really don't like this new interface at all. Whoever does the decision-making around here, please change it back or at least give us the ability to do that ourselves.

pondini wrote:

I really don't like this new interface at all. Whoever does the decision-making around here, please change it back or at least give us the ability to do that ourselves.

Staff are actively taking feedback on how to make the new design better but there are no plans to roll back and the site won't maintain multiple versions of the code long term.

Martin_Stahl wrote:
pondini wrote:

I really don't like this new interface at all. Whoever does the decision-making around here, please change it back or at least give us the ability to do that ourselves.

Staff are actively taking feedback on how to make the new design better but there are no plans to roll back and the site won't maintain multiple versions of the code long term.

If staff doesn't want to provide the ability for us to choose the layout, at least put the statistics and the notation on one page.