
Forum legend


So the bunny scrolls down from the hot topic list to see this list. 

Forum Legend


I mean, who are these people?  The bunny was hoping to see @snakesbelly or someone like that but nothing.  These "people" don't even have accounts here.   

A long time ago we used to have the infamous CPOTM by our @proknight98 dude.

Those topics used to get locked or deleted owing to the over the top activity in them and then resurfacing somehow.  Of course in those days members used to drop like flies at the hands of the trigger happy mods.  And we'd use to see the likes of @pdela pathetically pleading to be noticed on his wall. 

  • pdela
    Aug 22, 2014
    then we can organize a contest between the winner of the absolute CPTOM contest and me as I didn't have the chance to participate
  • pdela
    Aug 14, 2014
    that's no excuse
  • pdela
    Aug 13, 2014
    yeah, but you din't allow the people to vote for me!
  • pdela
    Aug 10, 2014
    proKnight, you have to organize a last round of the CPTOM between all the winner to decide the best one


Whatever happened to those glorious times?  Things have changed.   It's a safer but much more sanitized environment where we have kids running around flexing as trolls.  The adult fun component has been sterilized.  And maybe that's good.   Or is it? 


Note to self: never start a topic on a weekend  ...


snakesbelly, ilikeflags, tkbunny, pdela, the tears are welling up just thinking about the golden years of chesscom. it’s sometimes too much to face the cursed earth.

FlashyFerrari wrote:

what about bronsteinpawn and cubronzo

sad to think of the current state of OT

Not so much for me.   I'd go with the senator's list minus tkbunny who was a just bum - I'd know wink.png


You're on account # what now?

incorrectname wrote:

You're on account # what now?

unless of course you're referring to some serial number attaches to accounts.  wonder what my number is.


I was looking for mine. Hoped that you would share how to find it if you knew.


I miss kayknight , now there was a forum legend


ANOK1 wrote:

I miss kayknight , now there was a forum legend

not too impressed with his one liners either but he never insulted which makes him classy in my books.

FlashyFerrari wrote:
autobunny wrote:
ANOK1 wrote:

I miss kayknight , now there was a forum legend

not too impressed with his one liners either but he never insulted which makes him classy in my books.

wait, there have been people that insulted the bunny?

So many have.   The bunny has often served as the proverbial scratching post for the community. 

autobunny wrote:
ANOK1 wrote:

I miss kayknight , now there was a forum legend

not too impressed with his one liners either but he never insulted which makes him classy in my books.

Kay was a she and probably still is...about 67 years old now.. living in a retirement home in Scotland..


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ANOK1 wrote:

I miss kayknight , now there was a forum legend



shadowcat53 wrote:
autobunny wrote:
ANOK1 wrote:

I miss kayknight , now there was a forum legend

not too impressed with his one liners either but he never insulted which makes him classy in my books.

Kay was a she and probably still is...about 67 years old now.. living in a retirement home in Scotland..

OK,  I meant oh Kay ...

Blunt sings OK but has such an irritating voice


kaynight a legend?

you all must be mad. i would compare this ass-kissing to when o.j. dies and people talk about what a great athlete he was.

don't bury the lead. kay was a troll.


FlashyFerrari wrote:

well I am interested to see who you think is a legend =)


speaking only of those no longer with us...



two just off the top of my head.  


@oinquarki, i did not know him well but what little i saw was amazing for a then teen.


Grobe's gone? rip


well @kaynight did get a nice goodbye thread from @nobodyreally and a muted thread from cabby/baddy.


i think gop hit on it. what some turds here think is legendary is just a random member posting a lot without saying anything.

keek? really, what was that? some type of mating call? it is as if what some here think is "legend" is simply posting, substance notwithstanding.

how many of you here read rooperi? theoreticalboy? snakes?