Si. Que bueno.
Bishop = Obispo
If there is a need for translation it is easy to contact the chess federation of any nation and in all probability you would get reply with the needed information.
It is probably in Google.
Rook = TorreWell, I can give you Italian translation:
Check = Scacco
Mate = Matto (Checkmate = Scacco matto)
Fork = Forchetta
Pin = Inchiodatura
Castling = Arrocco (to castle = arroccare)
Gambit = Gambetto
Sacrifice = Sacrificio
Opening = Apertura
Middlegame = Mediogioco
Endgame = Finale
Draw = Parità
Pawn = Pedone
King = Re
Queen = Regina/Donna (both are fine)
Bishop = Alfiere
Knight = Cavallo
Rook = Torre
If you need anythin else just ask
Well, I can give you Italian translation:
Hello andrew.
That is a great list. Maybe "mwalter" should post the whole list and then any one can translate them all into their specific language.
How do you say"
"promote a pawn"
"Touch move"
"I resign"
"Pasa la pasta con pepperoni"
Thank you, Andrew_low -- or should I say "mille grazie"?
@Denver_High -- I'd be happy to create and post a complete list, in as many languages as possible. Hope others answer, so we can get lots of languages included.
Hello, some chess words in russian :)
Check = Shakh = Шах
Mate = Mat (a - like in mark) = Мат
Fork = Vilka = Вилка
Castling = Rokirovka = Рокировка
Gambit = Gambit (a - like in mark) - гамбит
Sacrifice = Zhertva = Жертва
Opening = Deb'ut ('u sounds like whole 'you' word) = Дебют
Middlegame = Mittelsрpil' ( from German word Mittelspiel) = Миттлшпиль
Endgame = Andshpil' (a - like in man) = Эндшпиль
Draw = Nichja (a - like in mark) = Ничья
Pawn = Peshka = Пешка
King = Korol' = Король
Queen = Ferz' = Koroleva = Ферзь = Королева
Bishop = Slon = Oficer = Слон = Офицер
Knight = Kon' = Конь
Rook = Ladja = Tura (u like in Ukrain) = Ладья = Тура
"promote a pawn" = Provesti peshku(Make the pon go through the desk) = Провести пешку
"Enpassant" = Na prohode = На проходе( = take it while moving )
"Error" = Oshibka = Mistake
"Touch move" (not sure i understood it right) = prailo( = rule) Tronul - hodi = Правило тронул - ходи
"File" - don't know what is it =)
"Rank" - 3,2 and first grade, after that CM, NM and so on - 1 (Pervii), 2(Vtoroj) e 3(tretij) razrjad, Kandidat v mastera, master... = 1,2,3 разряд, кандидат в мастера ..
"I resign" - Ja zdajus (ju like in 'you' word) = Я сдаюсь
"stalemate" - Pat (a like in mark) - Pat
zugzwang sounds similar
time trouble = ceitnot = Цейтнот
I'm waiting for the moment when all of us we'll agree that mankind needs a rationally constructed language, not belonging to any particular tribe or culture, to be used on the web, international gatherings and so on. Glosa is my proposal. Esperanto, Vollapuk, don't seem, to me, so fit as Glosa. Everyone may go on speaking national languages. Glosa just intends to be an IAL (International Auxiliary Language).
Chess term in Hindi
Chess - Satranj
Checkmate - Shahmat
Rook - Hathi
Knight - Ghoda
Bishop - Oont
King - Raja
Queen - Rani/Wazir
Pawn - Pyada
Here is a short list for English to Finnish translation.
Pawn = Sotilas (a soldier)
Knight = Ratsu (a horse or some other animal used for riding)
Bishop = Lähetti (a messenger)
Rook = Torni (a tower)
Queen = Daami (a lady)
King = Kuningas (a King)
a piece (other than a pawn) = upseeri (a military officer)
a light piece = kevyt upseeri
a heavy piece = raskas upseeri
rank = rivi
file = linja
diagonal = viistorivi
square = ruutu
white = valkea
black = musta
to capture = lyödä
en passant = ohestalyönti
to promote = korottaa
check = shakki
checkmate = shakkimatti
stalemate = patti
chess = shakki
zugswang = siirtopakko
to castle = linnoittaa
short castle = lyhyt linna
long castle = pitkä linna
fork = haarukka
pin = kiinnitys
skewer = varrastus
discovered attack = paljastushyökkäys
does anyone see this???? I want to chat with people during games but it won't let me anyone know why? if you do please tell me please
does anyone see this???? I want to chat with people during games but it won't let me anyone know why? if you do please tell me please
Maybe you have chat disabled automatically, but it could be the same for your opponent as well.
chess - ŝako
board / chessboard - ŝaktabulo
square - ĉelo
file - kolono
rank - vico
White - Blanko
Black - Nigro
piece / man - peco / figuro
King - Reĝo
Queen - Damo
Rook - Turo
Bishop - Kuriero
Knight - Ĉevalo
Pawn - Peono / Soldato
game - ludo
initial position - komenca pozicio
time - tempo
move - movo
castling - reĝsalto / aroko
capture - kapto
promotion, or queening a Pawn - promocio
en passant - preterpasa preno
sacrifice - ofero
check - ŝako
double check - duobla ŝako
mate / checkmate - mato
stalemate - senmoviĝo / pato
opening - debuto / malfermo
middle game - mezludo
endgame - finludo
master of chess - ŝakmajstro
grandmaster - grandmajstro
Hi. I haven't found a post about this here, but if there is one, somebody tell me where. I love chatting with people during games, and enjoy meeting people from other countries/cultures. I also enjoy different languages, and have a fair vocabulary in German, Italian and a smattering of Russian.
There are plenty of online translation sites, and I can find words for most chess pieces (though the bishop is a hard one, since the online translators assume your asking about a clergyman). But it's harder to find words like mate, check, stalemate, fork, pin, castling, gambit, sacrifice, opening, endgame, draw, etc.
Does anybody know of a chess terminology translator, or could we build one here by everybody posting various words in their native languages (and maybe an explanation of what the word literally means)? It would be a great way to learn a little about chess in other cultures.