Forums sucks

Title says it all
Stonewall_Defence wrote:
Title says it all

Hmm. You sound mad.

You have played nearly 26,000 games here. What happened?

Did something change? There must have been something of redeeming value to keep you here all those thousands of hours.

The paywall sucks. Tear down this wall, Mr Stahl.

Seriously though, this site used to be a lot better back in the day when you didn’t have to pay for everything. Of course, they didn’t have all the features they had now like assisted analysis and bot opponents.

It does suck that they have succumbed to that to the capitalist mindset. Refusing to invest any kind of effort into their mobile users experience is also pretty stupid considering that we’re a user base that is only guaranteed to expand.

Like so many other companies they will eventually be destroyed by their decisions to value profit above else. At least the C-levels and investors got rich though. After all, isn’t that what really matters?

Except they're not valuing profit above everything else - watch any of the videos in from earlier this year and you'll see what really motivates them.


Chess as a sport is boring when u play alone.

David wrote:

Except they're not valuing profit above everything else - watch any of the videos in from earlier this year and you'll see what really motivates them.

when i joined in 2019 you used to be able to do 5 puzzles a day. Now it's down to what, three? With no membership.

For game analysis you could do the free analysis at depth 10 in 2019 and it'll still work pretty well but now I don't think that exists anymore.