Alexa Rank
Looks like around Feb 7th (?) is when won the world heavyweight title...but it was champ long before that....
In page views and rank, is still number one.
But we can all agree, reach is most important. is beating* woo-hoo!
*non-christmas shopping summer months for retail store that specializes in winter wear
For those of you who are interested in this type of thing... These are the demographics of users.
Yeah, perhaps I am missing something here, but how did they get those stats? Or is that the info that comes from those cards you get with products where you list the websites you like to visit, along with all your other info, and they just try to tie the data together? Any help here?
Yeah, perhaps I am missing something here, but how did they get those stats? Or is that the info that comes from those cards you get with products where you list the websites you like to visit, along with all your other info, and they just try to tie the data together? Any help here?
Ummm...they basically say that there's a lot of extrapolating going on.
I thought this was really interesting and decided to share.