
A thank you to all


I am grateful to everyone on here. Everyone on this site helps make it what it is. I have now played 175 games of chess on here, and everyone of them I can say was great. I have had no rude players, all good natured and nice. I am also thankful to the for making this site what it is-totally incredble. And even on the forums everyone seems to show respect, which is very uncommon. All in all this is wonderful, don't you agree? Let's keep it that way! You all rock. Smile

You're welcome.
Yes, thank you for your kind comments. We are happy that you are enjoying the site.  Smile
I'd say nice things back but you stomped my @ss in our game ;)  Seriously though, it is refreshing to find a site where people can (I should say, do) respect each other.  Hopefully  my skills will improve enough to give you a good run for you money.

thank u too, yes there are no rude players, but there are levels, i mean:

when someone is so good when he is 20 years old (>1800 or >2000), and when he was born he was (0) and this is a contineuos function f. f(0)=0, f(20)=2000.

so there is at least one moment that he was 500, (f(x) = 500), and this is so bad compared to (2000).

I mean that he was one time just like his "weaker" opponent.

hence, he respects him. #

i echo these comments: thank you to all who have made this such a great place to enjoy chess!
Lol, Basel, only people like you and I would think of such things. Very nice proof by the way :D
If I had human emotion I would be very deeply touched by those comments.
This is much coming from Reservesmonkey! You did send me to god-knows-where and to leave chess to intellectuals ( viz correspondence chess should be banned ), which I suppose you classify yourselves as one. It is nigh debatable whether chess players are truly intellectuals, even if I myself do play chess. But agreeing with everyone, being nicey-nicey, smoochy-smoochy with all and sundry, does not necessarily bring utmost pleasure to one's soul.To argue is the best way there is of moving forwards - in effect the greatest games of chess have been between players who almost despised one another; Kasparov-Karpov to cite but one )! ISo I say let us argue!Embarassed