
Please join this club


Please join

Hi!Everyone who joins gets 5 trophies 🏆 ! You are going to do puzzles, play vote chess and tournaments. You are going to learn openings and winning strategies-endgames, tactical patterns and other winning strategies. Please join today!  

Please join 




Have fun in the club!


Club Rules:

1. No spamming

2. Be respectful

3. Be kind

4. No bullying or insulting

5. Do not force



1. Same rule+

2. Do not kick or ban people without a good reason

3. Invite

4. Do things to make the club better


Super Admins:

1. Same as above+

2. Do not kick or ban people without a good reason

3. Do not change the club without my permission

4. Invite more people

5. Do things to make the club better



If any of these caught doing will get three notice and will be banned from club.

If admins not doing their job will be demoted.


Also,advertise too much please and you will get 1 trophies per invite if they join please private message me after you invite