[auto-join link removed -- MS]
Feel free to invite me to join your club, send an invitation or send me a link or put it on my wall
Hello! Please click on my text to join my club!
[removed auto-join link -- MS]
The original link:
https://www.chess.com/club/apes-united apes united
hi join my club! https://www.chess.com/club/ichess-road-to-gm
hi all and hi all my Good Friend & hi to all my new teammates ツ.
It's going to be me a pleasure to be your team mate and maybe your friend and maybe as an admin in your club if you need help.
Feel free to invite me to your club now.
I have hereby opened up for and accept club invitations for a short period, and I am happy to join your club if you want/need 1 more member
Have a wonderful day
#1 TopGifter
@Hilddea ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯