Club Nova Scotia needs active Daily Players who want to win .After only 2 years ,we have made it to #950 of 27959 (96.6%) ,which is now 940 ,after our latest win. So if you have a strong will to win ,and learn ,with week long lessons on one subject ,made to help you improve ,then come join us. Its time to make a waves.......
Hello everyone reading this. Membership is at 209 players and Ranked 936 . I guess were going up no matter what ,so if your game is strong ,welcome aboard.
Club Nova Scotia needs active Daily Players who want to win .After only 2 years ,we have made it to #950 of 27959 (96.6%) ,which is now 940 ,after our latest win. So if you have a strong will to win ,and learn ,with week long lessons on one subject ,made to help you improve ,then come join us. Its time to make a waves.......