Propose to announce a competition for a new name for the team. or you suggest a few names. and announce the vote, which name will gain more.
Can we change the name of a team and keep track of it ?
I was not referring to that ! The new name is easy to choose, but I don't know if the rules allow changing the name of a team that has been active for several years now!
I think you don't understand, Naveen, the LBF name needs to be changed for several reasons. The French players, who should naturally support the team, see the LBF team as a competitor for Team France, because I have already surpassed them in the standings. As for the people of the world, they avoid joining the LBF team because they think they have nothing in common with France, no language, no other things! Under these circumstances, I cannot bring in many new players, and the team cannot advance either numerically or in value, on the contrary. I have to do something to change this situation!
We'll see, for the moment, there is no firm decision, but I'm thinking about it. Anyway, I'm a little tired of keeping things on the road.
I would like to know, as the sole administrator of a team, if the team name can be changed. I ask this because in the current phase, the name of the team is a handicap to bring new players and increase their number! Thanks !