


Many of us are still dealing with the loss and hostile takeover of IfYouCouldSeeTheSun's club Romantics of Chess to Frierenfan21, who renamed it the Velvet Vortex and then disabled it.

Causing pain, confusion and disorder, not just in the members, but mostly targeting everything at IfYouCouldSeeTheSun.

An hour ago Poet Pals had its own hostile takeover.  @POWERqueens1 was the target and manipulated by @Stevethegreay5.  A relatively new account that was friends with POWERqueen1 and TheBlazeWingDragon.  Thus gaining his SA positions in their clubs.  Here is today's events:

At this point, POWERqueen1 was banned from club and hasn't been online since this incident.
This should look very familiar to many of you.

I ask all of you to help do something about this.  It doesn't matter how big or how small, don't just stand by and watch.

This is the 3rd club that I have lost is less than a month.  I cannot be a semi silent supporter of the targeted owners anymore.  This time I am on the frontlines.


Mods, please move this where it belongs and start banning people that post this drama garbage In General Chess Discussion. These children have broken out of their OTF cage and are running amok here among people that want to discuss the game of chess.



This post gave me cancer :(

there's nothing u or staff can do about it since it was that user's choice to promote them no matter how manipulative they may have been


just move on, make a new club and be careful as to who you promote


Poet Pals



Don’t promote anyone to SA, other than your close friends in REAL LIFE who you trust
And if u have no friends, then go cry

Look, I'm known as a "peacemaker" of rival Chess clubs in New Jersey and I have stopped many a hostile "takeover". I suspect that I have even prevented potential physical violence. Please, consult with me!

Chessflyfisher wrote:

Look, I'm known as a "peacemaker" of rival Chess clubs in New Jersey and I have stopped many a hostile "takeover". I suspect that I have even prevented potential physical violence. Please, consult with me!

Is that true because if it is that is a really New Jersey thing for someone to do.


Why can't people just get along 😒


This guy Steve closed his account what has happened at this point?


So what is the big drama? Can someone sum it up?

monkey-armory wrote:

This guy Steve closed his account what has happened at this point?

Steve, himself, relinquished control of the club before he was closed. Queen was let back into the club and given ownership back. Despite a few setbacks, no long term damage was done. Everyone's poems and hard work were preserved, just in case. Which is good.

magipi wrote:

So what is the big drama? Can someone sum it up?

someone got their club ruined by someone and now op is making a lil fit


If you actually read what happened this makes no sense. The word hostile is not appropriate to use here this is not a hostile takeover. It did not involve brute force or deceit it involved one person bullying another person dont get me wrong the act of bullying is hostile. After this bullying powerqueen gave this other guy the club for no reason. If powerqueen had wanted to she could have and should have ban this guy from the club but she did not. Powerqueen did not need to promote him to owner she did. To the best of our knowledge I could be wrong he did not pose any threat to her. The reason he became owner is completely thanks to powerqueen. You ask us to do something about this but their is nothing for us to do there is only one member per club who can promote a member to owner and that is the owner.

If there is something I missed feel free to tell me.


intense drama


The best part of the story is that this @Stevethegreay5 was obviously a throwaway troll account. A grand total of 1 game played? No other activities? The name itself? How many red flags would you need?