Gothamchess or Hikaru

neither cuz
Gotham chess click baits video and stated that scilian defense suck and caro kann is better. His fans spread that into the chess community.
Hikaru who screams and brags about why he is not better than magnus like complaining.
also hikaru’s just piggybacking on gotham’s popularity

Levy is far more entertaining. Hikaru has that awful habit of twiddling the pawns he captured and really doesn't engage in much witty commentary. I don't know that he can.

I personally think it depends on what you're looking for. Gotham is very entertaining; I feel as if I could watch him for hours with his humor, but I think Hikaru is more informative and better for just sitting down to purely learn, although you can really get both knowledge and laughs from both of them.
Batman or Kato ?
Shouldn't that be Robin or Kato? Can't measure up a sidekick (literally with Kato) with the main dude.