Knightd3 looks ugly imo, it blocks the d pawn, I would try something else if possible
Symmetrical variant with transposed bishops/knights
Frankdawg : hmm...yeah, U are right. The symmetrical English opening should be the most natural here. It opens the way both to queens and bishops.
A01 : Nimzo-Larsen attack is not good here.
A02-03 : Bird opening 1.f4
A) Reversed Anglo-Dutch system 1.f4 c5
Aa) Reversed Anglo-Dutch : Exchange variation 1.f4 c5 2. Bxc5 Bxf4
B) Dutch variation 1.f4 d5
C) Symmetrical variation 1.f4 f5
D) Bird vs Caro-Kann 1.f4 c6
Sigma on my old Macintosh prefers following openings at 10 plies (after that it becomes too slow LoL) :
1) English 1. c4
2) King's knight 1. Ne3
3) Queen's knight 1. Nd3
4) Saragossa 1. c3
Here's my lil book of openings for Fisher games of type RBNQKNBR after 1 move hahaha. The c-pawn opens the way both to queens and bishops, that's why English, Sicilian, Caro-Kann and Saragossa variations as well as knights openings dominate in this framework. Barnes openings and defenses are also playable since f-pawns liberate bishops.
A) English 1. c4 :
- English : King's knight defense 1. c4 Ne6
- English symmetrical 1. c4 c5
B) Two knights : 1. Nd3 Nd6, 1. Nd3 Ne6, 1. Ne3 Nd6, 1. Ne3 Ne6
C) Queen's knight vs Queen's pawn : 1. Nd3 d5
D) King's knight 1. Ne3 :
- Sicilian variation 1. Ne3 c5
- Caro-Kann variation 1. Ne3 c6
E) Saragossa 1. c3 :
- knight defenses 1...Nb6, 1...Nd6 and 1...Ne6
- Sicilian variation 1. c3 c5
- Caro-Kann variation 1. c3 c6
- Barnes defense 1...f6
F) Barnes 1. f3 :
- knight defenses 1...Nb6, 1...Nd6 and 1...Ne6
- symmetrical 1. f3 f6
- Caro-Kann variation 1...c6
- queen's pawn defense 1...d5
- king's pawn defense 1...e5
Definition : a Fischer's random game is of QXB- or BXQ-type if the queen is separated from one of bishops by 1 intermediate square denoted X. X may be the king K, rook R, bishop N or knight N. The standard RNBQKBNR chess games are of QKB-type and RBNQKNBR games, considered here, are of BNQ-type.
It's clear that the X-pawn's move x2-x4 is always one of the best moves cus it opens diagonals both for the queen and a bishop! In the standard chess X=K and x=e, that's why e2-e4 is a very good move. In our situation here, X=N and x=c, that's why the English opening here is better then e2-e4!
As I explained above, the principal (BXQ-) opening here is English 1. c4. I give below the theory after 2 moves in my own edition:
A) Two knights games
- 1. c4 Ne6 2. Nb3 with possible replies 2...a5, c5, c6 or f6
- 1. c4 Ne6 2. Ne3 with possible replies 2...c5, c6 or f6
- 1. c4 c5 2. Ne3 Nd6 and 1. c4 c5 2. Ne3 Ne6
B) Three knights games 1. c4 Ne6 2. Nb3 Nb6 and 1. c4 c5 2. Ne3 Nd6
C) Trompowsky attack 1.c4 Ne6 2. Nd6 with possible replies 2...Nf4, Nd6, f6
D) Trompowsky counter-attack 1.c4 c5 2. Ne3 Bf4
E) Bishop's defence 1. c4 c5 2. Ne3 Be5
F) Queen's attacks (cuz b-pawns are vulnerable here)
- 1. c4 c5 2. Qb3 Nd6
- Queens opposition 1. c4 c5 2. Qb3 Qb6
- 1.c4 c6 2. Qb3 b6
Well, I started my personal systematical study of chess960 with the symmetrical variant where knights and bishops are transposed. Here how looks the standard King's pawn game after 2 moves:
No usual Ruy Lopez here LoL. Any interesting variations ?