
New True 3D Chess


4 players means that each player has a manageable number of pieces. Multiplayer games have a problem of so-called petty diplomacy. In short, one player often can decide which other player wins. To solve this i give each player three kings. You win if you capture (at least) one king from each of the other players. You lose and your piexes become inert (but capturable) obstacles if you lose all three of your kings .


The board is 12 by 12 by 12 which preserves the 4 open spaces between players of 2d chess. I use 12 stacked boards of size 12 by 12. The boards slide out on runners so that you can reach the pieces. Each square has a coloured bottle cap glued upside down in it's centre. Pieces sit inside the bottle caps. This provides stability when you slide a board and the bottle cap colour indicates the cannon partition in the same way that the black and white squares indicate the bishop partition.


we can have the 8x8x8 chess with the standard16 pieces, for the last axis, we can make it imaginary numbers (i, 2i, 31, etc.) and moves are same but pawn can capture diagonally up or down, quen can go any direction, etc/


Hello everyone. I've found this great thread during researching 3d chess topic. lord_lucien has created a great prototype and i've found it pretty close to my application. My app is in beta yet and unfortunately works on iphone/ipad only but if you would like to try the app and willing to provide me with feedback and your suggestions on how to improve it, please provide me with your email and i can add you to the group of internal testers. You can play with your friends or with bot. Honestly, the bot is really simple and can only move the figures. More information is here:


What about a cube-like shape with each side of the cube being a 4 player chess shape, with the +'s joined at each edge. Then there's a player at each edge of the cube, and you still get your original 16 pieces, with major pieces closest to the edge, and pawns diagonally outward.

Tis looks cool,but is confusing

you should just make it were each person should worry about one floor just like 4 people chess


I updated my thread on this:


I Just need 8 boards irl

