
Let's invent some very weird pieces










Custom rules in chess:

DragonGamer231 wrote:
Teeer wrote:

The Centaur: If you reach a queening square with your knight, that knight gets promoted to centaur which has the moves of both knight and queen. That means you can win even if you have only knight and king left.

This piece already exists, and is called an amazon. However, the idea behind it is interesting, if not a little too easy to execute in any given position.

Also, the name Centaur is already used for king+knight.

All-way checker - moves passively like King, captures like a checker piece but in all 8 directions.

Badass - moves passively like King, captures enemy pieces on the adjacent squares by either moving into that square and then right back, or like a checker piece. And if it captures something checker style, and there's another enemy piece right behind it, that piece will be captured as well, a double capture.

Supervillain - king+knight+alibaba+badass happy.png

Having different variant pieces are cool and fun
The cannon.
Cannons move like rooks(cannot castle),and capture a bit like grasshoppers.
How to capture:
The cannon needs a thing between it self and the captured piece.
Amcaba :combines Amazon,camel and Alibaba

Shark (or piranha) - moves like king, captures on adjacent squares and then moves right back.


Octagon - moves in a near-circular shape the following ways:

1) Counter-clockwise: 1 square to the right, 1 square diagonally forward-right, 1 square forward, 1 square diagonally forward-left, 1 square to the left, 1 square diagonally backwards-left, 1 square backwards, and 1 square diagonally backwards-right, completing the circle;

2) Clockwise: 1 square to the left, 1 square diagonally forward-left, 1 square straight forward, 1 square diagonally forward-right, 1 square to the right, 1 square diagonally backwards-right, 1 square backwards, and 1 square diagonally backwards-left.

Octagon doesn't jump, it only slides, and it can only make a full circle if there are no other pieces in its way, or it will stop right there.

Once octagon reaches the last rank, it has to be promoted, or else it's stuck, unless it's a 2-way Octagon that can move backwards in the trajectories that mirror the ones described.

Squid - makes 1 step in any direction and then continues in Octagon fashion (clockwise or counter-clockwise.


Uberpawn (or augmented pawn) - moves 1 or 2 squares forward (has an option of 4 square 1st move), captures 1 or 2 squares diagonally forward.  Uberpawn is designed for very large boards where regular pawns might be too slow.

Octapawn - octagon+uberpawn.

Obese_Octopus wrote:

God wins the game instantly

God?  What does it do?


The Dr Who. Mostly acts like a normal knight, but once per game it can travel back in time and land on any vacant square on the board in an earlier state of the game, then play continues from there.


Squeen - squid+queen


I'm thinking of a piece which has the combined moves of a queen and grasshopper. I guess it could be called a Jumping Queen.

Mr_Check58 wrote:
DragonGamer231 wrote:
Teeer wrote:

The Centaur: If you reach a queening square with your knight, that knight gets promoted to centaur which has the moves of both knight and queen. That means you can win even if you have only knight and king left.

This piece already exists, and is called an amazon. However, the idea behind it is interesting, if not a little too easy to execute in any given position.

Also, the name Centaur is already used for king+knight.

All-way checker - moves passively like King, captures like a checker piece but in all 8 directions.

Badass - moves passively like King, captures enemy pieces on the adjacent squares by either moving into that square and then right back, or like a checker piece. And if it captures something checker style, and there's another enemy piece right behind it, that piece will be captured as well, a double capture.

Supervillain - king+knight+alibaba+badass

I do believe that the king-and-knight combination is referred to as a General. Also, I'm thinking about an incredibly overpowered piece. It can move like an amazon, Makes every friendly piece it sees immune to capture, and can capture a piece either normally or by going back one move and then capturing a piece. I would value it at 20 points, since it would be far too powerful for the opponent to be safe with it even on the board.

DragonGamer231 wrote:
Mr_Check58 wrote:
DragonGamer231 wrote:
Teeer wrote:

The Centaur: If you reach a queening square with your knight, that knight gets promoted to centaur which has the moves of both knight and queen. That means you can win even if you have only knight and king left.

This piece already exists, and is called an amazon. However, the idea behind it is interesting, if not a little too easy to execute in any given position.

Also, the name Centaur is already used for king+knight.

All-way checker - moves passively like King, captures like a checker piece but in all 8 directions.

Badass - moves passively like King, captures enemy pieces on the adjacent squares by either moving into that square and then right back, or like a checker piece. And if it captures something checker style, and there's another enemy piece right behind it, that piece will be captured as well, a double capture.

Supervillain - king+knight+alibaba+badass

I do believe that the king-and-knight combination is referred to as a General. Also, I'm thinking about an incredibly overpowered piece. It can move like an amazon, Makes every friendly piece it sees immune to capture, and can capture a piece either normally or by going back one move and then capturing a piece. I would value it at 20 points, since it would be far too powerful for the opponent to be safe with it even on the board.

General, also centaur or Paladin (see wikipedia). Who said that one piece can't have more than 1 name?


The Flying Servant
When located on a white square it can move or capture one square vertically and leap horizontally.
When located on a black square it can move or capture one square horizontally and leap vertically.

The Pony
When located on a white square it can move or capture like a Knight but only two squares horizontally plus one square vertically.
When located on a black square it can move or capture like a Knight but only two squares vertically plus one square horizontally.



the pumkin. 

No matter where it is on the board, the pumkin can always move to e6, h2, b5, and g3. It can not move to those four squares if your piece is occupying it, but if you opponent occupies it then moving to e6 h2 b5 or g3 would be a capture