
Let's invent some very weird pieces

hp3541 wrote:

you finded the 3 moves?. if you finded the 3 moves you are very good in chess


It's easier for me to spot this word than the checkmate.


What about some kind of colossus/giant/titan piece that covers four squares.  I'm not sure about movement, maybe move two or four squares orthogonally and capture everthing on those squares, but it will be fun to watch how are opponent's fugures trampled by similar monster. But on second thought four-squares big figure will be too easy to capture.

Tintitko wrote:

But on second thought four-squares big figure will be too easy to capture.

Maybe declare that you can only capture the piece, once you are attacking all squares that it occupies.


Konigin: Promotes from a pawn at 8th rank, can only promote if there are no queens or konigins on the board. Like an Amazon, but orthogonal and diagonal movement is only every other space and you can move like a nightrider. Example:




Blue and yellow are under attack by the Red konigin, but Green is not because it is not in one of the spaces it attacks, it is in between two other spaces it is attacking.


Seems overcomplicated


Smelly Cat (or Stinker, or Skunk) - moves like a short queen (up to 3 squares), cannot capture by replacement BUT an enemy piece or pawn that happens to be next to it has to move away immediately (at least 1 square) or it will die from the "smell" on the next turn.  Smelly cat cannot be captured. If Smelly Cat lands next to the enemy king, and the king can't move away from it, that's mate.


The smelly cat cannot be captured is OP


Ok, I've changed my mind.  The Smelly cat is capturable.  It can still safely attack rooks, bishops, knights, and pawns from where they can't strike back, and, if defended, it can attack king or queen.  Also, if Smelly cat attacks a pawn from left or right, the pawn can't escape death by moving forward (except the 1st double step move), because then it will still be adjacent to the Smelly Cat.  Pawns can be promoted to Smelly cats.


They started targeting the most recent window using bumps with this topic.



Chinese fairy pieces

Chinese chess is played with the "chinese" equivalents of the western pieces. These pieces are:

Leo: Moves like a queen, captures like a queen hopper (i.e. it jumps over a hurdle in a queen's direction, and then captures the first piece after the hurdle. Depicted in a diagram by a turned queen.
Pao: Moves like a rook, captures like a rook hopper. Depictured in a diagram by a turned rook.
Vao: moves like a bishop, captures like a bishop hopper. Depicted in a diagram by a turned bishop.
Mao: A decomposed knight. First it makes a one-step rook move, and then it makes a one-step bishop move, in a 120 degrees angle with the one-step rook move. If the horizontal step isn't possible, because the square is occupied, then the Mao can't move. Depicted in a diagram by a turned knight


I'd love to see them ^^^ assembled on a Xiangqi board. happy.png


I would like to see a slave piece


Since back in the days there were slaves


Does anyone know Rasputin?


There should be a piece named out of him


The drunk coo coo magic homeless man 


Here are some exotic pieces from one of my chess variants, Suzumu Shogi:

Fire Demon: This piece can slide sideways or diagonally, or make an 'area move' - up to 3 King steps in independently chosen directions, stopping at the first capture. This includes skipping a turn. In addition, it has the power to "burn"; wherever the Fire Demon stops, it can optionally capture an adjacent piece without moving. Or it can simply capture an adjacent piece without moving. (XBetza Notation: shQshympacabQ(a)2KmcabK(a)2mpacabK)

Great General: This piece moves as a Queen but can jump up to two pieces along the line of attack when taking. (XBetza Notation: (paf)2cQmcQ)

Vice General: This piece moves as a Bishop but can jump up to two pieces along the line of attack when taking. In addition, it can make an 'area move' - up to 3 King steps in independently chosen directions, stopping at the first capture. This includes skipping a turn. (XBetza Notation: (paf)2cBmcB(a)2KmabK)

Rook General (promotes to Great General): This piece moves as a Rook but can jump up to two pieces along the line of attack when taking. (XBetza Notation: (paf)2cRmcR)

Bishop General (promotes to Vice General): This piece moves as a Bishop but can jump up to two pieces along the line of attack when taking. (XBetza Notation: (paf)2cBmcB)


I know these pieces from Tenjiku Shogi


They have the same names as their Tenjiku Shogi counterparts, but are weaker (Suzumu Shogi is a less brutal version of Tenjiku Shogi, with the strongest pieces weakened and the weakest pieces boosted).


Use chinese chess way for the horse. If blocked the horse, cannot advance.