Well, that is really interesting. I was playing around with it in the analysis board, and it allows you to castle that way- unless black has already castled on that side, even if the way is clear (rewind the game a bit in the a-board and then play different moves to see). Maybe there's a good explanation for it and it's not a bug, but I can't figure it out. Maybe someone smart will know
Those big, sweeping castle moves in 960 sure are cool.
Could somebody look at my game I currently have going on with DaveMcMasters. Im not asking for help strategy wise. But if you go to the analyze game function check out the Castle it will allow him to do (He's black) with his rook on the D file. Its a crazy castle even by 960 standards. Then it wont let me do the same thing. Is this a flaw with the system or am I missing something?