
Fritz 13 and Chess960


Hi there

Fritz 12 is great because it supports Chess960 fundamentally, but it is far from perfect. Now that Fritz 13 is out, could someone who has bought it let us Chess960 players know if it too supports Chess960? Normally in the reviews, they neglect to mention Chess960 capabilities. Things to look for are:

1) Chess960 support built in at least as good as Fritz12

2) PGN format is properly implemented for Chess960

3) That you can play a rated/training Chess960 games against the engine as you could in Fritz12

4) That they have included a Fritz13-960 engine as they did for Fritz12

On another note, can you highlight undefended squares in Fritz13? In Fritz12 you could not, unless you selected dynamic hints which temporarily highlighted them.

Cheers and thanks in advance if you take the trouble to reply to this.


I wouldn't even mess with it, I played 1 game of chess960 on Fritz13, now it opens to the 3rd move of that game every time I start Fritz, it's really annoying the crap out of me!