
Dynamic Chess, resolving the pawn block


I propose the following rule change suitable for Internet rapid chess. If positioned on a knight- or a rook file a pawn can jump like a knight to an empty square, east-north-east or west-north-west. A condition is that the pawn is blocked by an enemy pawn. Compared with standard chess, this means that a flank pawn is sometimes endowed with an extra jump move, which increases its value only slightly. Hence the flanks cannot easily be blocked, something which greatly enhances attacking play. 

There are three different variants of dynamic pawns. The pawn is endowed with the extra jump move to an empty square (1) if blocked anywhere on the file (2) if blocked on the 4th rank onwards (3) if blocked on the enemy side.  Note that the opponent can prevent this jump move by occupying the square, so it is not always easy to achieve.

The flank pawn,  if blocked, can make the oblique jump move to an empty square. In an alternative variant the pawn can only make this jump move if blocked on the enemy side. More information and a Zillions program is here:

M. Winther