
Chess960 Explained!


Loomis, that is true and I don't think CM X actually supports it, I just figured I would give it a shot just to see what happens, it is pretty interesting though



Chess960 is a great concept. I yet to give it a real spin, but thanks to I'll be trying it soon.

stats_man wrote:

Here is a nice way to decide chess 960 positions if you are deserted on an island with nothing but a chess board, another chess player, and a fair die.

1. Roll the die. If a 5 or a 6 disregard and roll again. If one, two, three, or four then count this many white squares from left to right. Place light squared bishop on this square.

2. Roll the die. If a 5 or a 6 disregard and roll again. If one, two, three, or four then count this many Dark squares from left to right. Place dark squared bishop on this square.

3. There are 6 squares now left. Roll the die. Count the open squares from left to right based on the die number. Place queen on this square.

4. There are 5 squares left. Roll the die. Disregard a roll of 6 and roll again. If one, two, three, four, or five then place the first knight on this square, counting open squares from left to right.

5. There are 4 squares left. Roll the die. Disregard a roll of 5 or 6 and roll again. If one, two, three, or four then place the first knight on this square, counting open squares from left to right.

6. There are now 3 squares left. Simply place the king on the middle square and the rooks on outer squares and you are all set.

We get 960 from the following possibilities:

4 X 4 X 6 X 10 = 960 which comes from

Number of places light bishop can go (4) X

Number of places dark bishop can go (4) X

Number of places queen can go        (6)  X

Number of possibilities for 2 knights (5 choose 2 or 10)

Note if we place queen before bishops then the dark or light squared bishop is restricted (as one of these squares is occupied and we get

8 (number of places queen can go) X 4 (non-queen colored square) X 3 (queen colored square) X 10 = 960

We do not need to calculate the places the rooks and king can go as, once the above restrictions are met, there is only one possibility for each piece.

Thanks for indulging me.

stats_man has some methods to create the starting position in Chess 960.  You could use a dice, cards, coins, or draw out of a hat or a bag.  I like the way to put the pieces in a circle, then squash the pieces into a straight line (a quicker way of the drawing method).  All you need is a regular chess set, and it gives equal probability to all positions (or at least I think it does).

pompom wrote: has some methods to create the starting position in Chess 960.  You could use a dice, cards, coins, or draw out of a hat or a bag.  I like the way to put the pieces in a circle, then squash the pieces into a straight line (a quicker way of the drawing method).  All you need is a regular chess set, and it gives equal probability to all positions (or at least I think it does).

You have to make up rules for the two conditionals for setting up if you use the squish method.  Those being what to do if bishops are on the same color and if the king is outside the rooks.


Wikipedia says to do it again, but I don't see why can't you do the same as the drawing method.  That is, if the bishops are on the same color, you can swap one of the bishops.  For example, you could swap a1 and b1 if the bishop is on one of those squares, c1 and d1 if the bishop is on those squares, e1 and f1 if the bishop is on those squares, or g1 and h1 if the bishop is on one of those squares.

If the king is not between the rooks, swap the king with the closer rook.


I think that Chess960 is the new reg chess.


what is "reg" chess? Regular?

RookedOnChess in "marijuana"? I am SO out-of-touch/clueless! lol And if so---I'm totally not understanding it in reference to 960! lol Unless it's 'cause it's a "twisted" version of chess so it's more like you're "drugged up" playing it? lol


OK, now should I even ask what "420" is? And are you getting a clue as to just how clueless I really am?! lol Or maybe it's a generational thing?!


OK, I figured since you said it was a big thing, I might actually find out by Googling it---and I did! So, since 420's a "California" thing, I don't feel so bad! lol I'm an east coast gal and was not what you would call a "pot head" lol It's not a term I ever heard----ever! Including when I was in high school :)


Mark, you are truly too much lol


Is it possible to put Chess960 in the LiveChess?


LOL...Mark---the "pot" activity? Exactly what HAVE you been smoking? LOL


Oooooh, my! OK, now I remember! It's been so long, I had no idea what you were talking about! lol But sorry to hear about your son. What I really hate hearing is that he's frying his brain cells!


Im in a match at present with 10 players i have 32 tie break points and my closest rival has 25, however we have the same number of wins 9 and losses 1. how is the tie break points worked out.

That appart im finding it good fun as i dont know any real oppenings for Chess this puts people in my arena and creates some good battles.


Does anyone know of any Chess960 strategy books?.....


I can't remember when browsing at Barnes if I saw one. Did you do an online search?


I love playing online Chess, and recently started chess 960. My chess 960 score is now higher than my online chess score. Is there a way to place a 960 score under a 960 score listed score, and not as my highest score. It confuses many people when they challenge me thinking my 960 score (1446) chess score is my (1390) online score. I play 99% online ches, and the rest 960??Sealed
