Chess variant that allows passing?
King and queen can be won with passing (or at least I'm pretty sure you can).
However, king and ROOK cannot be won, as well mates harder than that (2 bishops, bishop and knight, king and pawn, queen vs. rook, etc.)
By the way, if both players keep skipping does that count as a draw?
King and two bishops cannot be won without zugzwang. I think...
Also, I don't really like this variant as it takes away two great things about chess: zugzwang and stalemate.
King and two bishops cannot be won without zugzwang. I think...
Also, I don't really like this variant as it takes away two great things about chess: zugzwang and stalemate.
The side stalemated could decide not to pass, thus being stalemated. Anyway, even if he was forced to pass, this position would be a dead draw.