ok. lets play!.
I´ll try to move every day or at less every two days. Sorry for my poor english.
1.f4 b6
ok. lets play!.
I´ll try to move every day or at less every two days. Sorry for my poor english.
1.f4 b6
the system didn't notify me of your move....so I thought you hadn't moved yet.
5 Qc2(Ed1) Bd6
1 f4 b6 2 Nf3(Hg1) Bb7(Hc8) 3 d3 d5 4 c3 e6 5 Qc2(Ed1) Bd6 6 e4 dxe4
and now 7 dxe4
Thanks for you patience! I'll try to move more frequently from now on. Sometimes it just gets busy!
Seirawan chess is my favorite chess variation. I would like it if chess.com could make it possible to play online.
Would anyone be interested in a game of Seirawan chess? Information on the game can be found at http://www.seirawanchess.com/ and also at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seirawan_chess
Here's my move.
1. f4