21. ... Angel(25,26)
22. HarpyxSp(26,1)
What does the Mage do?
Actually, both the elephant and werewolf can capture it.
22. ... HarpxSp
Don't you get 2 moves to drop it?
You do get 2 moves, so auk doesn't have to place the spider this turn.
23. +S(24,24)
no queen can move there....
Sorry stupid typo I really have to pay attention now. I meant A(30,26)
Thanks. 23. ... A(30,26)
nah, spirits can only move as knights can.
Oh Spider (Sp) yes.
24. SpxAb
this game will be very interesting, and also are you guys playing with the scout (peasant's special promotion)
Harpy drops Sp on(25,27)