No move has been played for 73 days.
It’s Auks move
Um, I think it's your move.
In #615 ry has posted a move so it's auk's move.
Spider C28
129...Spider b27-c28
This board is beautiful O-O
Hunter x D
130. Dwarf b28xa27 Hunter c27xa27
After this game is over i will probably be dead
131.Time Thief g4-a10
Omg ry has been muted again
Is there a list of all pieces featured here and their moves?
Well that’s hardly shocking…
You guys.......
You thought this game would be completed when you came back?
Welcome back!
Thanks! 3 years.... If you guys don't speed this up you'll die before this game finishes
Yeah probably. Does this mean it's a fight till the death?
No move has been played for 73 days.
It’s Auks move
Um, I think it's your move.