
Weird Chess


Are you constantly understimulated by regular chess? Then this is the variant for you!

  1. If a player accidentally knocks a chess piece off the board or table, that’s it. That piece is out for the round. Even the team pieces that it knocked over (if it did) are out too. If it’s an enemy piece, however, the piece(s) remain unaffected.
  2. Unless otherwise noted, all moves listed below take up a single turn.
  3. Once per game, you can self-destruct a single pawn, immediately removing itself and all other pieces in a 3 by 3 area. If a king is caught in the blast and that team’s queen is still on the board, the queen will move the king back 1 space and use itself as a human shield, leaving the king unscathed but eliminating the queen. To activate the self-destruct, press the top of the pawn.
  4. Once per game, the king can fall on its side and spin around, eliminating all enemy pieces in a 3 by 3 area. This can only take out the enemy king if there are 4 or fewer pieces on the board (including the kings!). The queen sacrifice rule from rule 3 also applies here.
  5. When a queen travels 6 or more spaces in a single move and takes out a piece, that is called a railgun blast. This doesn’t actually affect gameplay, but it still sounds cool!
  6. You can castle while in check.
  7. The king must be captured to win.
  8. Arrows are public (in digital chess).
  9. Spectators can speak to the players during the game (if the player(s) allow them to).
  10. You can capture your own pieces.
  11. Pawns can promote (in a normal way) to Wazirs (move 1 space horizontally or vertically), Camels (an elongated 3-1 knight), and Xiangqi Horses (moves 1 space horizontally or vertically and then 1 space diagonally). Doesn’t have to apply in in-person chess.
  12. Once per game, a knight can teleport to another game happening in the same room (if there is another game in the room). It then joins its team in said game.
